उपभोगशून्य स्वामी!

19th August 2022

उपभोगशून्य स्वामी!

I just finished watching Naveenchandra Hegde’s (Guruji to us) one hour long conversation with Major Poonia on YouTube. It was enchanting to watch two extremely fit individuals exchange thoughts about fitness, philosophy and giving back to society. Both had unique styles of speaking our national language. Guruji, a Kannadiga by birth and upbringing, had a lilting accent while the Haryanvi Major spoke with a robust Punjabi twang. Major Poonia proved to be a very good host as he gave ample time to Guruji to share his thoughts. The questions were perceptive and unobtrusive while the answers were delightfully frank and to the point.

Most individuals have a memorable childhood and Guruji was no exception. He got exposed to sports very early in his childhood and perhaps this ignited the spark to be associated with some kind of physical activity later in his life. The story of his efforts to save 5 paise was fascinating. Guruji’s journey from his school days to becoming an engineer and then migrating to Mumbai for his career is inspiring. Guruji had to abort his plans of joining the Indian army at the insistence of his mentor and had to take up a job in our metropolis. He is one of those small town boys who dream of making it big. Guruji had both the vision and the gumption to forge a sterling career for himself. Soon the entrepreneurship bug bit him and he soared even higher in the corporate world.

Realisation dawns on most people of our generation (who are in their late fifties or early fifties) of how unfit they have become. This feeling hit Guruji when he was in his mid-forties. Here began an enduring relationship with running! He had to face his share of injuries but always came back stronger and with his trademark smile. Guruji has been running for the past 15-16 years and through this journey has inspired and motivated countless individuals. 

All of us are aware of the stellar role he has played in conducting the Mumbai Ultra run and for the past three years the Mumbai Ultra blood donation camp. His passion for these events is contagious and everyone in our group gets inspired to contribute something to the society. He is not one to blow his own trumpet and is reluctant to harp about whatever he has achieved so far. Very few individuals are able to put society before self. He has literally burned the midnight oil and shed litres of sweat to make these events successful. And what does he do at the conclusion of these events? He just keeps smiling, congratulates all volunteers and well wishers and gets down to work for the next year!

Hence the title of this piece *ऊपभोग शून्य स्वामी.* _This epithet suits Guruji as he has no personal expectations or ambitions from the activity of running or the events that he has been part of for the past few years._ Guruji has inspired people and even a few corporations to donate in cash and kind. What more can a person do? 

The discussion’s setting is very interesting. Behind Guruji one can see a copy of “An Autobiography of a Yogi” and on the left a copy of “The Gut”. Both the books would have immense educational value. At the centre we have a small idol of Ganpati – the God of intellect and wisdom. One can also see bottles of H2O and a white sculpture of Krishna-Arjun (I am guessing) amidst various plants and shrubs. This keeps the experience fresh and engrossing. 

I must congratulate both Major Poonia and Guruji for this interaction.

– Sandeep Oke


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