On staying together
Vidula and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary yesterday. 24 years would mean that I have spent approximately 30% of my life so far in Vidula's company (assuming I survive till 75). Time spent with our spouses is considerably more than what we get with our other relatives. A spouse gets connected through the ritual we call 'marriage'. Rest are thrust upon us simply by the accident of our birth. Today we have a say in choosing our spouse or partner. So why not make an attempt to have a lasting relationship? We human beings crave for some social connection. One even has the option of choosing a partner of one's own sex if one is so inclined. Marriage is not yet legally recognised but staying together is possible. No relationship is perfect in the Bollywood sense....it just cannot be. Life is unpredictable and the path we traverse unknown and with twists and turns. What better way to navigate this uncertainty than to have your partner alongside? Vidula and I have h