Choices/Preferences/Decision making

It would be interesting to know how many choices we make in a living day. Many of our actions seem guided by routine but one would find several small choices being made at the subconscious level. Do I wake up now? Or should I put the alarm on snooze? What should I have for breakfast? Which clothes should I wear today? If one is a female, the next choice to address would be the color of your accessories.

Choices and decision making can be broadly classified at two levels: personal and societal. Personal choices are the easiest to make as you are answerable only to yourself. You may feel bad about a particular choice or decision on contemplation but the aftermath affects only you. Societal choices are a bit more difficult to make and handle. There is always this lingering worry of whether your choice would backfire or prove to be plain wrong at a later date. Many a times, we do not trust our instincts and give too much credence to what others may think and feel. This procrastination leads to thought and policy paralysis.

At work we are faced with many many situations where decision making is dependent on the choices you make or the preferences you have. How do we really decide? All our actions or choices if you will, are guided by prior experience. It also has to do with making oneself feel good about the path chosen and also not allowing your image crumble in the eyes of others. So it becomes human nature to make choices which are palatable to everyone.

People in the higher echelons have to bear the cross of the choices they make. Most of the choices they make turn out to make some section of the society or the workplace unhappy. A recent case in point would be Nirmala Sitharaman's budget speech. She had the unenviable task of unleashing the animal spirits to ignite the engines of our economy. The economy needs a booster shot as all vital parameters show that India is in the ICU. She has presented a budget which is pragmatic at some levels but satisfies none (as per economists). Many experts have chosen to rate this budget at a measly 6 out of 10. Should she have announced major policy decisions which the social media was asking for? Should governance be decided by social media? These are very difficult choices.

The Modi government in its second term is not having it easy. Whatever choices they make, and there have been many.... Article 370, Ram Mandir, CAB, NRC - are bound to rub many the wrong way. Have they made the right choices? Only posterity would let us know. If we survive that long.

What choices can China make in the wake of the novel Coronavirus epidemic? Many cities are on watch and Wuhan in particular is in lockdown. The western media does not believe the official Chinese figures and is afraid that the number of fatalities and infected people would be far more than what is declared. How does the rest of the world react to this potential catastrophe?

Speaking of catastrophes, how does Australia ensure that the forest fires which ravaged most parts of continent do not occur again? What choices do they have? What decisions can be make. Would they prefer to save its abundant wildlife?

Choices.... Decisions..... this is what life is all about .... and why most remain to be miserable throughout their lives as it is very difficult for humankind to be at peace and be satisfied with what one has.....


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