
Just the other day NS, my running buddy, sent me a message about writing. It exhorts people to write on a public platform. Regular, focused writing would help sharpen one's expression. Usually I sit down to write/type in the afternoon as I am assured of uninterrupted screen time. Writing regularly on a variety of subjects gives you better understanding. Hitherto unexplored thoughts, deep buried feelings surface because of this. The post shared by my friend further states that untold riches can be harnessed from writing if one really gets good at it. I am not sure I would ever be able to make any commercial use of my writing. But I do have the urge to improve.

Brevity in writing is preferred rather than employing long winding sentences. This is easier said than done. As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, human attention spans are very short. So it is counterproductive to use long sentences. One loses context entirely. Avoiding cliches is very important. For non-scientific writing to be successful, it has to be in a conversational tone avoided jargon and innuendo. People are particularly sensitive to the latter.

So what do I write on ? This is perhaps my seventeenth post and I am yet to delve into my personal experiences. Vapu Kale feels that each one of us has a story within. My life so far has been so mundane that finding any interesting tidbits would be a challenge. By and large I am apolitical so writing on public affairs, government and cloak and dagger stories are not possible. Philosophy, psychology and management, in no particular order, do interest me but I have at best superficial knowledge.

I can perhaps write on films and drama. Reviews submitted on IMDB have been published earlier. I have just recently finished watching Raj Kumar Rao's Made in China and Ayushman's Bala. Maybe a short review or an essay on the social message in these two movies can be the subject of my next post.

Stock markets and mutual funds is one more theme which keeps me enthralled. But again, I really haven't dug deep. Perhaps it is time I did some serious reading of Benjamin Graham, Buffet and Munger. My usual cursory reading of ET and Valueresearch would be inadequate to write on these subjects. Something to ponder on.

I can maybe write something on sports like cricket and tennis. There are many life lessons to be learnt from both the sports. An unlikely source of inspiration could also be WWE!!

I will pen my thoughts on Bala and Made in China tomorrow.


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