Constitution of India

It is now mandatory in many states of India for students to read the preamble to the constitution during prayers every day. What will be achieved by doing this? Our venerable leaders hope, a lot. I remember mugging up the preamble when I was in school many years ago. I was not aware that our constitution began with these lines. In fact to be more candid, I was not aware what a constitution was. A constitution is a framework of basic laws of a nation. It outlines the powers and duties of the government and guarantees certain rights to its citizens.

In these hyper nationalistic times it might be a good idea for young people to be abreast of our constitution. Our republic assures its citizens justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. Justice is guaranteed in social, economic and political spheres. Liberty of thought, expression, faith and worship is assured. Equality of status and of opportunity is a given (at least on paper). Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.

These are the principles on which our founding fathers had hoped that our country would flourish. Facts prove otherwise. We are now a fractured society with media and intellectuals of hues stoking the flames. The poor and disenfranchised are still a neglected lot and find themselves sidelined everywhere. There is no quality education to be had, no jobs to work. People are taught to depend on government bail outs as we keep asking our elected representatives to do something for us. The situation is indeed very grim with most young men and women unwilling to learn and work. All those who do study braving all odds find themselves bogged down by prejudice in all walks of life. There just aren't many jobs. Our fabled young workforce has nothing to do at all. Prejudice begins right from birth. Boy / girl. Hindu/muslim. Rich/poor. Rural/urban. The development (if any) is lopsided benefiting no one.

Young people have to realise that we have to break all these artificial barriers and embrace fellow humans irrespective of their background, caste, religion, sexual preferences, color etc. Our constitution says just that. We can make progress only when we have a society where the principles of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity are adhered to. We just cannot go about thumping our chests about our regional pride or such foolish jingoism. Gone are the days. AI is coming. Very soon we will find ourselves replaced by AI. What will we do then? China and the USA are racing ahead of other countries and very soon they will wield enormous power over the rest of the world as AI will bring about a disruption in manufacturing and even the service industry. No country seems to be geared up for this. India is several decades behind its Asian peers. Our vaunted population, educated work force etc. are only on paper and most would be rendered jobless in the forseeable future.

Schools and parents should educate their children about being more inclusive and tolerant in thought and action. I wholeheartedly support this government diktat. It may seem fatuous to many but I remain optimistic about the positive changes it might bring about in our society.

To draw a parallel are all those people who do not stand during our national anthem in cinema theaters less patriotic than the ones who stand? Absolutely not. One cannot make such fleeting statements. But remember, it is our NATIONAL ANTHEM and it should be accorded respect. The least we can do is stand if not chant it. Standing is at best symbolic but it does help in urging people to love and respect our country.


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