
When I started this blog I took it upon myself to write something on a daily basis. Yesterday though was an exception. I could think of absolutely nothing to write about. I wonder if it was creative inertia. It is very easy to sway from one's goals and objectives. Although I had resolved not to make any resolutions, the thought of writing something everyday is a bit different. It takes deep thinking, concentrated thought and dedicated blocks of time to write anything. If not to the world, the writing has to make sense to yourself. My intention or purpose is not as lofty as to eradicate illiteracy or to illuminate and impress people. What got me to writing as mentioned earlier was constant prodding from my SPMC pals and one germ of an idea which I toyed with briefly. I was considering for a brief period of time starting an online writing service. I then questioned myself was I equal to the task? What would I write on? Do I have any qualifications or any unique knowledge or experience? The answer is a resounding no to all these questions. So, this is perhaps just a test being conducted by myself to really see if I can write on anything at all. I am sure my writing will not be deep. It won't provide any deep insights or expand horizons. What it will surely do is free up my mind of cobwebs and turn on the tap so that words keep churning out.

I had read a long while ago about Free Association Writing. It entails just picking up a pen and paper and start writing whatever comes to your mind at that particular point. No elaborate thinking is to be done. Just write without much thought. I tried this but found it total bunkum. Writing is not a casual activity. I had mentioned earlier that the whole concept of writing and reading is a very recent phenomena. Homo Sapiens have been around for about 200,000 years of which we have been writing only for about 7-8,000 years. This is a minuscule percentage. Writing in a script of your choice has evolved over time and like everything else, language too has evolved. The very human need to communicate effectively differentiates us from other animals.

I read from various sources but have a very poor memory as facts, profound thoughts and stories tend to slip out of mind very fast. Maybe it is the same with everyone. Maybe not. I have been searching for a remedy for this. Writing may be the solution. I will now try to write small essays on whatever interesting articles, essays and stories I read so that the new thoughts and information so gleaned becomes a lot clearer and firmer in my mind. What is the use of reading if I am unable to retain anything? It is akin to just holding a book in front of my eyes or sitting in front of a screen. Focused, deep thought, concentrated long chunks of time... this is what I need.

I need to develop consistency in whatever I do. Be it finding time to ruminate on what I have read, writing, solve business problems, follow up with clients, fool around with friends, spend time with the family, having adequate sleep. Consistency is the key to everything. Be it my running, yog classes, office, everything. For this I need to chart out my day in a methodical manner and try to finish the tasks assigned at that particular time.


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