
Showing posts from December, 2019


Our happiness is governed by our behaviour. People seldom 'act'. We are masters of 'reacting'. This leads to a lot of unnecessary strife. Awareness of all the actors/players in a given situation and repercussions of your words/actions are not thought about clearly. To be truly happy one needs to do the following: Living the moment i.e. live in the present  as usually we only have thoughts of our future or events of the past in our minds. This means mentally we live in the past or in the future . Most human interactions are transactional, although some not overtly so. Attempts to have a win-win conclusion for anything is preferable. Anxiety is a difficult beast to tackle. Regular practice of pranayaam  or yog  would help keep it reigned in. Avoiding procrastination is perhaps the most difficult thing to achieve. All of us procrastinate right from the most mundane of decisions to the very difficult life-altering ones. One should act as soon as possible after giving

New year 2020

It is that time of the year when people make new year resolutions very enthusiastically. Reality soon catches up and these resolutions, which were supposed to make one healthier, wealthier, happier and wiser are relegated to some other time. I resolve not to make any resolutions. The burden of disappointing oneself is probably the heaviest. It usually goes unrecognised and unaddressed. But it weighs on your mind. I have taken the suggestions made by my SPMC buddies about keeping a record of my thoughts in a blog. After a lot of dilly-dallying I have finally caved in. What do I write on? Will the blog be like a personal diary? How candid can I get? Will I be breaking any confidences? These questions sometimes trouble me. So I will try to be as discrete and neutral as possible and will focus primarily on things and issues which make me happy. Yesterday was a particularly happy day as I attended a few functions and also had an excellent lunch at our society sahabhojan. The morning be