
Showing posts from July, 2023

Guru Pournima

3rd July 2023 Guru Pournima A ChatGPT query about the origin of the word ‘Guru’ has given the following result: _The word "guru" originates from Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, "guru" (गुरु) is derived from two root words: "gu" (गु), which means "darkness" or "ignorance," and "ru" (रु), which means "dispeller" or "remover." *Thus, the literal translation of "guru" is "one who dispels darkness" or "one who removes ignorance."*_ Darkness or ignorance comes in various forms. People need guidance in developing soft skills like improving inter-personal relationships, etiquette, and verbal abilities in addition to understanding the implications of social subjects like finance, history, politics, and economics. These are important in making a well-rounded, balanced, good human being. We further need help in education, sports and in honing any art which we may be endowed with. Our first Gurus a