
Showing posts from May, 2023

Dealing with Mortality

Dealing with Mortality (10/5/23) Two recent events illumined a dark corner of my mind. They shed light on the impermanence inherent with human lives.  The first involves Vidula’s septuagenararian uncle who has been unwell for a few years. Cancer has ravaged his body completely and no succour is in sight. Consequently, Suhas Ambardekar has now been shifted to Shanti Avedna at Bandra where palliative care is administered to terminally ill patients. I accompanied Vidula to this hospice a few days ago to meet her ailing Kaka . These are perhaps our last few interactions with him. Vidula feels for her kaka because of many happy childhood memories. Despite our best efforts Vidula drifted away from her kaka after our marriage. Admittedly, Suhas Ambardekar was not the easiest man to get along with, but he always had a soft spot for his niece. Vidula will remember her kaka as a lively and somewhat rambunctious person. Life has been a rollercoaster ride for this gentleman but now at the fag end