
Showing posts from April, 2021

TASK 2 of the 21 day challenge (23/4/21): List of people in my life who I view as successful

  23rd April 2021 : TASK 2 : List of people in my life who I view as successful Success should be seen not just in terms of wealth accumulated but also happiness. This is a very important thought to bear in mind. Usually success is seen only in its tangible form. We judge a person by the clothes he wears, the car he drives and by where he resides. Everyone strives to be happy in life. Naval Ravikant says that to be happy one has to stop looking for it. I will list below a few names who I think are successful not necessarily in monetary terms but have enjoyed peace of mind and happiness. Success is about being unruffled in any situation and not losing your calm. It is about maintaining your equilibrium under all circumstances. Some names might be repeated from the list prepared yesterday, but that is inevitable. People from the society at large have not been included (e.g. Tendulkar’s, Bachchan’s and Thackeray’s of this world). Also I have tried to be judicious and have not includ

Task One of the 21 day challenge: Name 50 people who have had an impact on you

22 nd April 2021 : TASK 1 : List of 50 people who have added value to your life Yashwant Oke: My father. He was always a bit standoffish but once you were able to pierce his reserve, he was a good person to be around. Fiery, feisty, forthright (alarmingly so) and also a bit frightening when I was very young. We became friends as we grew up. I realized much later the reasons or the compulsions behind some decisions that he took. In a crisis one would feel very safe with him in your corner as he was not one to back down and was the eternal optimist. One thing to note was that he had little patience with people who were not intellectually well endowed. Kunda Oke: My mother. She was the foil to my father. Many relations fostered and flowered because of her calm demeanour. My mother like ice and seldom lost her balance. Aai took keen interest in our studies and pushed and cajoled us if we were found wanting. She was the parent who was familiar with our teachers. An excellent cook and alw