
Showing posts from September, 2020


This lock down gave everyone an opportunity to introspect. Those who still have some semblance of normalcy (i.e. having some regular income) in their lives took the opportunity to get their health in shape, acquire new certifications or look for new avenues to keep busy. Work from home is not 'one size fits all' kind of a solution. Being chained to your laptops is taking a heavy toll on the mental health of many professionals. I was very queasy in April and May when work had come to a standstill. Our future suddenly appeared very bleak. Along with us we had a staff of 7 who depended on their livelihood on us. There was a lot to think about. Sometime in June I chanced upon Naval Ravikant's tweetstorm about Meditation. This is what saved me from a lot of anguish. I had a completely wrong conception of Meditation. I used to think that to meditate would mean emptying your mind of all thought. This is perhaps impossible for most people. If one were to peek inside our mind, one w